Travel and Expenses Audit Work Program.
Example Internal Audit Work Program / Risk and Control Matrix (RCM) Maintaining appropriate controls over travel and expenses, such as…

Example Internal Audit Work Program / Risk and Control Matrix (RCM)

Maintaining appropriate controls over travel and expenses, such as ensuring travel is purchased in compliance with the Policy and appropriately approved, is important to ensure there is no fraud, the business is achieving value for money with all necessary business travel.
We have developed a generic Internal Audit Work Program, or Risk and Control Matrix (RCM) aimed at helping audit teams ensure controls over the travel and expenses process have been designed and implemented correctly, and are also operating effectively.
The testing work program is built within our example ‘Excel’ audit file. The test plan has also been mapped to an example audit scope and objectives, and includes example risks and controls. See below for an extract from the example work program file.

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As always, this is a generic template. You should review this template in detail and edit accordingly so it is suitable for your business.