About this template
Understanding what went well, what could be improved, and lessons learnt for next time, is important to ensure the continual improvement of the internal audit team and audit function.
This template helps and challenges audit teams to think about the good and the back of an audit and what can be done better next time.
Why use this template
Simply because the audit has been completed and the report issued doesn’t mean our audit work needs to stop. The debrief is important in ensuring the team recognises what went well and what can be improved. This helps with future career development, can improve the perception of the audit department and help build better relationships amongst the audit team.
When to use this template
This template should be used immediately after the final report is issued.
Things to be careful about
This list is just a starter. Audit teams should adapt this to ensure it captures all team members thoughts, opinions and all parts of the process. Care should be taken to ensure all team members get an equal say during the debrief.