About this tool
Small audit functions often do not have the budget to afford end to end GRC tools and systems. This can make managing an audit function manual, and time intensive.
This Audit Database tool combines the following templates:
- Annual Plan
- Audit Universe
- Risk Register
- Action Tracker
- Audit Committee Deck
The database is designed so that a ‘Quick Dashboard’ will present a summary view of your Annual Plan status. This Dashboard will effectively show you how many audits are in planning, in fieldwork, completed, or not started at all.
The Audit Universe and Risk Register is also maintained in the Database tool, meaning you can easily link or update your Annual Plan to the Universe.
The Action Tracker is and assocaited Dashboard is also included, again allowing you to link this to your Audit Universe.
Lastly, there is an Audit Committee Deck. The Audit Committee Deck pulls in all the information throughout the entire tool to prepare the tables and graphs you need to populate the Audit Committee Deck template, also available at My Audit Spot (AFM17).
Things to be careful about
As this tool is built within Excel, it is highly recommended you save fortnightly or monthly versions of this Database. This ensures you will always have a backup document available and reduces the risk of data loss or formauls being corrupted. Proper spreadsheet controls should be applied to this Database Tool.