Home / Templates / A4.2 – Weekly Audit Status Update
Internal Audit

A4.2 – Weekly Audit Status Update

£5.00 (Excluding VAT)


About this template

Good communication is important to ensure that the audit can be delivered on time. This template helps instil good practices in audit teams, by ensuring regular and easy to understand updates are provided to the business area on a regular basis.


This template helps key both the audit team and business area on focus, by showing the status against each audit objective, where we are according to our audit timeline, and communicating any potential issues early.

Why use this template

By ensuring good, regular communication, audit teams can help minimise any delays and ensure that the review is being completed on time.

When to use this template

This template should be used each week. For best results, the deck should be populated and emailed to the business area on Friday morning.

Things to be careful about

Ensure this deck is used each week. Consistency is the key. When audit teams stop sending the deck, it may cause confusion or may single to the business area that things are starting to slip.

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