What makes us proud to be an auditor.

Celebrating #AuditorProud 2021 As we jump in and start celebrating #AuditorProud 2021, we wanted to share some of the reasons…

27 Sep 21

My Audit Spot

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Celebrating #AuditorProud 2021

As we jump in and start celebrating #AuditorProud 2021, we wanted to share some of the reasons why we’re proud to be auditors, and why those looking for a career in Finance, should not discount audit as a career.

When completing university, many students would often associate audit with long hours, thankless, and repetitive work, and whilst some of this may be true (let’s admit it – busy season doesn’t strike the best work life balance), audit can offer you a world of opportunities. Here’s why we love our career in audit.

It can take you anywhere

Quite literally, audit can take you anywhere in the world. Once fully qualified as an accountant or certified internal auditor and you have a little bit of experience under your belt, the works really is your oyster. Many post graduate certifications and qualifications from the likes of the Institute of

Internal Auditor (IIA), are internationally recognised and can offer you a really career boost as you progress overseas or abroad.

In some larger firms, such as the Big 4 (KPMG, Deloitte, EY and PwC) and even some mid-tier firms (Grant-Thornton, BDO and PKF to name a few), offer secondment opportunities. These allow high performing team members to work across other offices without the need to worry (as much) about
visas and relocation expenses.

Working abroad and with larger firms also does wonders for your resume / CV.

At the end of the day, whether you decide to continue as a financial statement auditor, jump ship and become an internal auditor, work on the other side as a financial controller, start your own business, work for a start up, or anything really; audit will help you get there.

You Learn the basics

Audit really does teach you the fundamentals needed for a good and strong career. From the basics, such as time management, how to run effective meetings and good communication and presentational skills, it will also teach you many technical aspects of both accounting auditing. Furthermore, you’ll learn how to work in a team, utilise people and resources around you, and just generally, be a great worker. Audit tests and challenges you, and whilst you might not notice it at the time, there’s a reason why auditors go on to become some of the best executives in Finance and business in the world.

No day is the same

Working as an auditor means you work with different teams internally, but also with different businesses. You might be doing audit for banks, but each bank is different. Their culture is different. Their people are different. Their processes are different. Their issues and risks are different. Same applies if you’re working within a bank. Each team you’ll come across is different. Not only will you have challenges by seeing and dealing with something different with each client, you will also learn what works well and what doesn’t work. These lessons will help you as you progress through your career. Whether you stay as an auditor, become a CFO or even start your own business, these lessons help teach you what works well and what doesn’t.

The People

Throughout your career as an auditor, you will meet so many people. These people help expand your network, open you to new opportunities, and generally just be there if you ever need anything.

Some of our best friends have been made working as auditors in the Big 4, and even after leaving and taking various career paths, we have all kept in touch and (maybe too often) still help each other out whether it be by sharing ideas, knowledge, tools or resources.

The People

Depending on your role, you may be fortunate enough to travel for work. Although working in another office in another country following your 6am flight doesn’t sound fun, the opportunity to explore a new city at the end of your day, and staying the weekend, sure does.

Not only are these great opportunities to see new cities and meet new people, it’s a great opportunity for you to work closer with your team.

Ready for a career in audit?

There are so many places you can go and do many opportunities available. You can check out audit opportunities here: https://www.careersinaudit.com/
