Hip Hip Hooray! It’s our third birthday today!.
And this is exactly how we are going to celebrate.

My Audit Spot turns three years old this month. In that time, we have developed a number of templates, gained a heap of awesome followers and subscribers (thank you!), and have met people from all around the world. It’s been an amazing journey and we can’t wait to see what the future holds.
So to celebrate our third birthday, we have some exciting news to share.
We have 30% off all templates!
We have developed a range of audit templates covering the following areas:
- Audit Function Management – including Audit Manuals, Annual Planners, Weekly Dashboards, Audit Universe, Audit Database, Action Tracking Tool and much more.
- Annual Planning – including Audit Strategy presentation, meeting templates and Annual Plan / Audit Committee templates.
- Audit Process – including templates covering the audit planning, fieldwork and reporting phases.
- Risk – including Risk Register Dashboards and Annual Risk Assessment templates.
- Example Work Programs – covering areas of the business such as Finance, Human Resources / Planning and Operations.
We are always releasing more templates, and have outlined our plan for 2022 which you can read here.
To view free / restricted versions of these templates, please click here.
To purchase these templates and receive your 30% off, please use the code birthday in our online shop here.